Student Council

Welcome to Student Council

The Chaska High School Student Council is a student-led organization that strives toward building leadership skills, school unity, and increased student involvement in the school and the community.


Student Council works with students, staff and community to foster involvement and generate school spirit at Chaska High School. Events such as Homecoming, SweetHawks Week, Turkey Bingo, Just Because Week are a few of their responsibilities.


Student Council Membership
Student Council Members have a specific job. It is expected that all members will fulfill their obligations. Students who are not able to make a complete commitment to Student Council will be asked to resign their position.

  • Plan school events;
  • Work with administration and other organizations to address important school issues;
  • Stay in touch with classmates and voice their opinions to the council;
  • Develop and participate in community service projects;
  • Attend and participate in all meetings of the Student Council;
  • Serve on committees, work, and attend all Student Council functions while embodying the Student Council Mission and fulfilling the role of a Student Council member and leader;


  • Executive Board meets for leadership training, team building and preliminary planning for the upcoming school year.
  • Entire Student Council meets to get acquainted and to start thinking about Homecoming (if needed).


  • Plan for Homecoming events including
    • Pepfest 
    • Parade
    • Dance


  • Fall Door Decorating
  • Turkey Bingo


  • Winter Week 

January/ February

  • SweetHawks Week 
  • Including Sweethawks Dance
  • Powder Puff Volleyball


  • Student Choice 
  • Vote for next year’s executive board


  • Just Because Week 
  • Outdoor Movie Night
  • Next Exec Members are trained
  • End of Year Celebration


Lettering Requirements:

  • Lettering Log - Student Council students must make a copy of this Google Document, then complete and submit to Advisors.


Kristi Newby
Justin Streifel